20/04/2021: Implementation of the omologation UL 5085 up to 100 kVA three-phase

We are pleased to inform you that our UL 5085 range has been now extended with our new product lines:

• TTH3 three-phase transformers for rated power up to 100kVA

• ATH3 three-phase autotransformers with core powers up to 100kVA, thus depending on the required voltages, the rated powers of the ATH3 autotransformers could even reach 500kVA

Download brochure UL 5085

20/12/2020: homologation going on: new aluminium product line UL5085

Looking for customer satisfaction and new targets, Botter Elettrotecnica just reached a new goal,
achieving the approval of new product lines under UL 5085 rules.
The product families with aluminium windings.
These 4 new families, identified as “TMF3” and “TTF3”, respectively for single-phase and three-
phase transformers, and with “AMF3” “ATF3” for the related autotransformers, will allow to open
new business areas and market opportunities by combining the traditional Botter quality with the
“cost efficiency” the markets require in an economic system where the raw materials and energy
prices continuously move.

The 4 new ranges join the existing “TMF2”, “TTF2”, “AMF2” “ATF2” families of corresponding
rated power with copper windings.
This new UL approval offers all of us new opportunities and we believe that this action will allow
our customers to increasingly find in Botter quality the answer to their specific needs, integrating
our products into their panels and machinery for the domestic and international markets.

Download brochure UL 5085 alluminium

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